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1st Step to Inspired Excellence
1st Step to Inspired Excellence
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1st Step to Inspired Excellence


  • Delivered Online

  • All levels


The 4th Inspired Excellence programme, helping your children to make learning fun, easy and exciting, starts on Monday, 12th February! 

I'm pleased to bring you this amazing training for students, now running online for the fourth time. Take a look at the promo video for the last event here: https://youtu.be/GrbDzbOOhD0

And I'm delivering a short intro to the full programme called 1st Step to Excellence, on Friday, 9th February from 9:30 - 11am, where I'll share information about the program, answer your questions and whet your appetite with a couple of techniques that you and your children can start using straight away to 'train your brain'!

It is a proven programme; one I've delivered to over 15,000 students in the UK and internationally. And due to ongoing socio-economic circumstances and the impact those have had on our children's education, I'm making it available online again to make sure everyone can benefit.

The full programme will run in the half-term (Mon 12th Feb - Sat 17th Feb , excluding Wed 14th Feb) from 9am - 11am each day so that by the time the kids go back to school, they will be well ahead of the game, armed with better skills to enable them to excel and reach beyond their dreams.

So don't delay, reserve your seat for the '1st Step to Excellence' now and let's get this rolling! Remember, the intro session is only one pound!

For further information or any clarification, please call 020 805 805 23 and speak to Abu Yusra or WhatsApp him to 07460 27 97 23.
